Legal Status

Personal Information

– important LegaL information

For the purpose of this website:

 1.    (CGN) Capital Growth Network Ltd will be referred to as (CGN) Ltd.

 2.    (CGN) Capital Growth Network is a sole trader firm and will be referred to as (CGN) or CGN Loans

(CGN) Ltd and (CGN) both offer the same services and are part of the ‘Capital Growth Network’. For this reason, both organisations are represented on this website.

Description of Company, Loan Terms & General Conditions

(CGN) Ltd. is an ‘umbrella’ company. The scope is Finance Management (Currently Dormant)

(CGN) Loans is a sole trader business and part of the Capital Growth Network. The scope is Finance Management.

  • Registered Number:            (CGN) Ltd.            9041461
  • Data Protection Ref:            (CGN) Ltd.            ZB618972
  • FCA authorization:               (CGN) Loans        FRN727243


  1. Accounting
  2. Consumer Credit
  3. Office administration & Planning
  4. Financial advice and Debt Management
  5. Investments

Outlined below are the general conditions relating to personal loans. please note, you will receive full terms and conditions when you apply. Please read these carefully before signing and returning your agreement.

  • Loans are only available to UK residents and are not available to persons under 21 years of age.
  • Loans are subject to status and (CGN) Ltd reserve the right to refuse an application for a loan
  • The rate you will pay depends upon an assessment conducted by us on your personal circumstances
  • Please be sure you can afford the repayments before entering into a loan agreement
  • Loan repayments can be spread over a maximum 24 months (conditions apply)
  • All repayments must be made via CHAPS. we do not accept cheques
  • All Services advertised on this website are invitations to treat ONLY
  • All Offers advertised on this website will either be unilateral (if un-labelled) or clearly labelled as an offer

Before applying you may also want to read

Responsible Lending
(CGN) Ltd has a responsible lending policy which applies to all loan services. Each customer’s ability to make repayments is vigorously assessed and CGN reserves the right to refuse any offer made on a service or close any customer loan account if we feel that the customer is unable to repay.

Anti-Money Laundering Policy

Click here to download Anti-Money Laundering Policy

Money Laundering is the process by which criminally obtained money or other assets (criminal property) are exchanged for money or assets with no obvious link to their criminal origins. in the hands of the thief or money launderer, the converted  funds or other assets always represent criminal property. it also covers money, however come by, which is used to fund terrorism.

(CGN) Ltd operates a strict Anti Money Laundering Policy and will not accept any monies that have no record of origin from a legitimate source. Any money that we do accept must be declared and taxed unless in the case of spread betting accounts which are of course, tax free.

If you do have a spread betting account / trader, you will need to provide proof of your spread betting account or have your trader supply you with receipts showing proof of income from your spread betting account.

If you have any criminal convictions prior or present in relation to money laundering or fraud, (CGN) Ltd will not be permitted to accept any monies from you or from any representative(s) that you designate to conduct your business.

Anti Fraud Policy

Click here to download Anti Fraud Policy Prodcedure

Fraud is a deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain. As a legal construct, fraud is both a civil wrong (i.e., a fraud victim may sue the fraud perpetrator to avoid the fraud and/or recover monetary compensation) and a criminal wrong (i.e., a fraud perpetrator may be prosecuted and imprisoned by governmental authorities).

(CGN) Capital Growth Network Ltd operates a strict anti-fraud policy. We will not accept any monies from anyone other than the named person on an application nor will we credit any bank or building society account that is not in the name of the CGN account holder the only exception(s) to this will be:

1. If you possess the account holders power of attorney.
2. in the case of Joint account holders

We will thoroughly check all documents that you submit as well as keeping on record, a copy of your signature taken from your Passport or Full UK drivers License.

Forging of signatures, documents and or any other type of false representation is strictly prohibited. If we suspect you of Fraud, we will not hesitate to forward your details onto the relevant authorities and you may face prosecution.

If you have any criminal convictions prior or present in relation to money laundering or fraud, we will not be permitted to accept any monies from you or from any representative(s) that you designate to conduct your business.


Warning: Late repayments can cause you long term money problems. Your ability to obtain future credit such as a mortgage will be affected

AML Policy & Procedure

Anti Fraud Policy & Procedure

Credit Scoring

Data Protection Policy

Whistle Blowing Policy & Procedure

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Responsible Lending Policy